How to recover your password | My Parcels Portal

1. Navigate to the login box

Navigate to the New Zealand Couriers' Sender Portal page (click here). This will navigate you to the login page. Move your attention to the login portal box.

2. Navigate to 'Lost your password?'

Navigate onto the hyperlink text Lost your password? and click on it.

3. Enter Email Address

Click on the Email Adress box, enter your Email Address associated with the New Zealand Couriers' Sender Portal, and click the 'Send Verification Code' button.

4. Check your user email inbox

Please navigate to your Sender Portal affiliated user email inbox and receive a numeric verification code and head back to the reset password page or click here.

  • You will receive an email with the code from
  • Please note the code contains only numbers (1,2,3,4,5, etc.)
  • If you haven't received the email, please check your Junk Folder.

Enter your New Password and Verification Code, then click on the 'Set New Password' button.

When entering the new password, please ensure it has at least one each of the following:

  • 8 characters
  • Upper-Case (capital letters)
  • Lower-Case
  • Number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)
  • Special character (Like: !@#$^%)

5. Access Granted

Your new password is set!

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